Life Updates: New Promotion, New Job, but Lower Pay?

Life Updates: New Promotion, New Job, but Lower Pay?

It’s been over a month since I’ve updated which I feel disappointed about. One of my biggest dilemmas when I started this blog was how much I wanted to divulge in terms of my professional career and personal life.

However, once I’ve thought it through, I realized just how big my career plays a part in my life. It is, after all, how I make my living and plan to pay off my loans. In fact, it is the entire reason I have all these loans and therefore this blog where I write about paying it off! So I’ve decided to disclose at the least my profession and we will go from there when it comes to my personal life.

When I started this blog, I envisioned myself wanting to update everyday and the truth is I have so many things that I want to write about but haven’t gotten the chance to. One main reason is that I am a bit of a perfectionist. I meticulously write an entry and save it, but feel the urge to keep updating it before posting and end up not posting at all.

Now that I’ve gotten busier (life updates in next paragraph I promise!), I’ve decided it would be best to just write without thinking so much. I think readers would appreciate my unfiltered thoughts more anyways.

I mentioned in my about page that I went to graduate school. More specifically it is pharmacy school.  I worked towards my last year of pharmacy school as an intern at a retail pharmacy. Upon graduation, I was promoted to what is referred to as “graduate intern”. I basically do the same thing as an intern, but now that I’ve graduated, it comes with a pay raise. My July through September debt statements include payments that I made as a graduate intern.

A Higher Pay but Job Dissatisfaction

Finally, last month I was able to pass my board exam and become a licensed pharmacist! The change was quite stressful. To go from being able to ask someone their professional judgment to be the one everyone turns to as the “quarterback” of the pharmacy was quite a change, but a month into it I think I’m starting to get the hang of it.

I must say, although the increase in pay has been great and I am sure it will be well reflected on my October debt statement, I could never quite see myself building a career in retail pharmacy. Hence, once I received my license, I started applying for other pharmacist positions.

Last week, I was able to secure an interview with a company that I have just found out this week accepted me! I am beyond elated! I don’t want to say too much about the company, but it is in a field that I am absolutely passionate about.

The caveat? I would have to take a pay cut.

In weighing the pros and cons I knew that although money was important to me, it would never trump over personal happiness and professional satisfaction. I would be taking a big pay cut of over $15,000 per year, but to be able to get my foot in the door with an opportunity in a field that I may not get a chance to go into later in my career, I chose to take the pay cut and accepted the offer.

So that is it for my life updates. I have finished my August and September debt statements. I am just getting ready to post it so stay tuned for that update!

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